#define CONFIG_HLP_EXCCLK "tells hardware to use a clock reference (0:internal(default), 1:external, 2:gpsdo)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_USIM "use XOR autentication algo in case of test usim mode\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOSNGLT "Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TADV "Set timing_advance\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOSNGLT "Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_DLF "Set the downlink frequency for all component carriers\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_ULOFF "Set the uplink frequnecy offset for all component carriers\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_CHOFF "Channel id offset\n"
@@ -80,8 +79,7 @@
#define CONFIG_HLP_L2MONW "Enable L2 wireshark messages on localhost \n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_L2MONP "Enable L2 pcap messages on localhost \n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_MAC "Disable the MAC procedures at UE side (default is enabled)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_VCD "Enable VCD (generated file will is named openair_dump_eNB.vcd, read it with target/RT/USER/eNB.gtkw\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TQFS "Apply three-quarter of sampling frequency, 23.04 Msps to reduce the data rate on USB/PCIe transfers (only valid for 20 MHz)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_VCD "Enable VCD (generated file will is named openair_dump_eNB.vcd, read it with target/RT/USER/eNB.gtkw\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TPORT "tracer port\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOTWAIT "don't wait for tracer, start immediately\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TNOFORK "to ease debugging with gdb\n"
@@ -109,6 +107,7 @@
#define CONFIG_HLP_SNR "Set average SNR in dB (for --siml1 option)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOS1 "Disable s1 interface\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOKRNMOD "(noS1 only): Use tun instead of namesh module \n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_ULMCS "Set the maximum uplink MCS\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_UE "Set the lte softmodem as a UE\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TQFS "Apply three-quarter of sampling frequency, 23.04 Msps to reduce the data rate on USB/PCIe transfers (only valid for 20 MHz)\n"
"Apply three-quarter of sampling frequency, (example 23.04 Msps for LTE 20MHz) to reduce the data rate on USB/PCIe transfers " \
"(only valid for some bandwidths)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TPORT "tracer port\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOTWAIT "don't wait for tracer, start immediately\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_TNOFORK "to ease debugging with gdb\n"
@@ -108,6 +110,9 @@ extern "C"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NOITTI "Do not start itti threads, call queue processing in place, inside the caller thread"