Commit e2179802 authored by Laurent THOMAS's avatar Laurent THOMAS

simplify and make better performance the mutual exclusion of processSlotTX() function

parent 3e4526a6
......@@ -526,6 +526,14 @@ void processSlotTX(void *arg)
nr_phy_data_tx_t phy_data = {0};
// Force sequential execution, even if we launch in // for all slots
// at least ULstatus variable is a pure race condition that is quickly detected by assert() in the code because one thread sets it
// to active, so the other thread try to steal&run the ul work
if (rxtxD->stream_status == 2) {
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res = pullNotifiedFIFO(UE->tx_resume_ind_fifo + proc->nr_slot_tx);
if (UE->if_inst)
......@@ -560,11 +568,6 @@ void processSlotTX(void *arg)
we may run in place the processSlotTX() when the conditions are met (when a decreasing tx_wait_for_dlsch[slot] will become 0)
It will remove the condition signals (for a thread safe semaphore or counter) and make the system simpler
This require also other modifications to
remove txFifo that is also a big issue
add out of order RF board sending, because,
if we encode and send tx slot as soon as we can,
it will be thrown out of order, especially in TDD mode
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res = pollNotifiedFIFO(UE->tx_resume_ind_fifo + proc->nr_slot_tx);
if (res)
......@@ -590,6 +593,11 @@ void processSlotTX(void *arg)
phy_procedures_nrUE_TX(UE, proc, &phy_data);
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *newElt = newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(int), 0, NULL, NULL);
int *msgData = (int *)NotifiedFifoData(newElt);
int newslot = (proc->nr_slot_tx + 1) % UE->frame_parms.slots_per_frame;
*msgData = newslot;
pushNotifiedFIFO(UE->tx_resume_ind_fifo + newslot, newElt);
......@@ -755,9 +763,6 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
notifiedFIFO_t nf;
notifiedFIFO_t txFifo;
notifiedFIFO_t freeBlocks;
......@@ -937,25 +942,18 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg)
// Start TX slot processing here. It runs in parallel with RX slot processing
// in current code, DURATION_RX_TO_TX constant is the limit to get UL data to encode from a RX slot
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *newTx = newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(nr_rxtx_thread_data_t), curMsg.proc.nr_slot_tx, &txFifo, processSlotTX);
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *newTx = newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(nr_rxtx_thread_data_t), curMsg.proc.nr_slot_tx, NULL, processSlotTX);
nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *curMsgTx = (nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *)NotifiedFifoData(newTx);
curMsgTx->proc = curMsg.proc;
curMsgTx->writeBlockSize = writeBlockSize;
curMsgTx->proc.timestamp_tx = writeTimestamp;
curMsgTx->UE = UE;
curMsgTx->tx_wait_for_dlsch = tx_wait_for_dlsch[curMsgTx->proc.nr_slot_tx];
curMsgTx->stream_status = start_rx_stream;
start_rx_stream = 2;
tx_wait_for_dlsch[curMsgTx->proc.nr_slot_tx] = 0;
pushTpool(&(get_nrUE_params()->Tpool), newTx);
// Wait for TX slot processing to finish
// Should be removed when bugs, race conditions, will be fixed
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res;
res = pullTpool(&txFifo, &(get_nrUE_params()->Tpool));
if (res == NULL)
LOG_E(PHY, "Tpool has been aborted\n");
} // while !oai_exit
return NULL;
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