Following lines in `openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder_offload.c` file has to be
To configure T2-related DPDK Environment Abstraction Layer (EAL) parameters, you can set the following parameters via the command line:
modified based on your system requirements. By default, PCI address of the T2 card is set to 41:00.0 and cores 14 and 15 are assigned to the DPDK.
-`ldpc_offload.dpdk_dev` - **mandatory** parameter, specifies PCI address of the T2 card. PCI address of the T2 card can be detected by `lspci | grep "Xilinx"` command.
-`ldpc_offload.dpdk_cores_list` - CPU cores assigned to DPDK for T2 processing, by default set to *11-12*. Ensure that the CPU cores specified in *ldpc_offload.dpdk_cores_list* are available and not used by other processes to avoid conflicts.
char *dpdk_dev = "41:00.0"; //PCI address of the card
-`ldpc_offload.dpdk_prefix` - DPDK shared data file prefix, by default set to *b6*
Offload of the channel encoding to the AMD Xilinx T2 card is in nr_dlsim specified by *-c* option. Example command for running nr_dlsim with LDPC encoding offload to the T2 card:
Offload of the channel encoding to the AMD Xilinx T2 card is in nr_dlsim specified by *-c* option. Example command for running nr_dlsim with LDPC encoding offload to the T2 card:
@@ -126,7 +121,7 @@ Offload of the channel encoding to the AMD Xilinx T2 card is in nr_dlsim specifi
@@ -126,7 +121,7 @@ Offload of the channel encoding to the AMD Xilinx T2 card is in nr_dlsim specifi