nas_data.h 2.88 KB
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			Eurecom OpenAirInterface 3
			Copyright(c) 2012 Eurecom

Source		nas_data.h

Version		0.1

Date		2013/04/11

Product		Access-Stratum sublayer simulator

Subsystem	Non-Access-Stratum data

Author		Frederic Maurel

Description	Defines constants and functions used by the AS simulator


#ifndef __NAS_DATA_H__
#define __NAS_DATA_H__

#include "EpsAttachType.h"
#include "DetachType.h"
#include "NasKeySetIdentifier.h"
#include "EpsMobileIdentity.h"
#include "MobileIdentity.h"
#include "IdentityType2.h"
#include "RequestType.h"
#include "PdnType.h"
#include "PdnAddress.h"
#include "NasSecurityAlgorithms.h"
#include "GprsTimer.h"
#include "TrackingAreaIdentityList.h"
#include "EmmCause.h"
#include "EsmCause.h"

/*********************  G L O B A L    C O N S T A N T S  *******************/

/************************  G L O B A L    T Y P E S  ************************/

/********************  G L O B A L    V A R I A B L E S  ********************/

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

const char* emmMsgType(int type);
const char* esmMsgType(int type);

const char* emmCauseCode(EmmCause code);
const char* esmCauseCode(EsmCause code);

const char* attachType(const EpsAttachType* type);
const char* detachType(const DetachType* type);

ssize_t epsIdentity(char* buffer, size_t len, const EpsMobileIdentity* ident);
const char* identityType(const IdentityType2* type);
ssize_t mobileIdentity(char* buffer, size_t len, const MobileIdentity* ident);

const char* requestType(const RequestType* type);
const char* pdnType(const PdnType* type);
ssize_t pdnAddress(char* buffer, size_t len, const PdnAddress* addr);

ssize_t nasKeySetIdentifier(char* buffer, size_t len, const NasKeySetIdentifier* ksi);
ssize_t authenticationParameter(char* buffer, size_t len, const OctetString* param);
const char* nasCipheringAlgorithm(const NasSecurityAlgorithms* algo);
const char* nasIntegrityAlgorithm(const NasSecurityAlgorithms* algo);

ssize_t gprsTimer(char* buffer, size_t len, const GprsTimer* timer);
ssize_t taiList(char* buffer, size_t len, const TrackingAreaIdentityList* tai);

#endif // __NAS_DATA_H__