• Raphael Defosseux's avatar
    fix(ci): properly removing docker volumes · 29b4e64d
    Raphael Defosseux authored
    Laurent noticed it on one of his MR and confirmed with him:
      -- Volumes have be created the 1st time they ran on avra on July 7th
      -- Volumes were created with not only the raw files but also the nr-softmodem executable
    Solution: two-fold:
      1. using the `docker-compose down -v` syntax, the volume is deleted automatically
      2. I added redundancy with the custom command to remove the used volume
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <raphael.defosseux@eurecom.fr>
container_5g_rfsim_fr2_32prb.xml 3.36 KB