Commit 03d3e1a5 authored by laurent's avatar laurent

code review comments

parent 082ba963
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-OAI");
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-Eurecom-CU");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
Num_Threads_PUSCH = 8;
......@@ -8,11 +8,15 @@ gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
gNB_name = "gNB-OAI";
# cell_type = "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
gNB_name = "gNB-Eurecom-CU";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 001; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1; }) });
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 208; mnc = 99; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1, sd = 0xffffff }) });
nr_cellid = 12345678L;
force_256qam_off = 1;
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-OAI");
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-Eurecom-DU");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
......@@ -7,11 +7,15 @@ gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
gNB_name = "gNB-OAI";
# cell_type = "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
gNB_name = "gNB-Eurecom-DU";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 001; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1; }) });
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 208; mnc = 99; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1, sd = 0xffffff }) });
nr_cellid = 12345678L;
......@@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
gNB_CU_ID = 0xe00;
# cell_type = "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
gNB_name = "gNB-OAI";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 001; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1; }) });
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 208; mnc = 99; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1, sd = 0xffffff }) });
nr_cellid = 12345678L;
force_256qam_off = 1;
......@@ -21,8 +25,8 @@ gNBs =
tr_s_preference = "f1";
local_s_if_name = "lo";
local_s_address = "";
remote_s_address = "";
local_s_address = "";
remote_s_address = "";
local_s_portc = 501;
local_s_portd = 2152;
remote_s_portc = 500;
......@@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ gNBs =
////////// AMF parameters:
amf_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
amf_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
......@@ -178,9 +182,9 @@ gNBs =
type = "cp";
ipv4_cucp = "";
ipv4_cucp = "";
port_cucp = 38462;
ipv4_cuup = "";
ipv4_cuup = "";
port_cuup = 38462;
......@@ -188,10 +192,7 @@ gNBs =
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
......@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ gNBs =
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 001; mnc = 01; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1; }) });
plmn_list = ({ mcc = 208; mnc = 99; mnc_length = 2; snssaiList = ({ sst = 1, sd = 0xffffff }) });
tr_s_preference = "f1";
local_s_if_name = "lo";
local_s_address = "";
remote_s_address = "";
local_s_address = "";
remote_s_address = "";
local_s_portc = 501;
local_s_portd = 2152;
remote_s_portc = 500;
......@@ -39,20 +39,18 @@ gNBs =
type = "cp";
ipv4_cucp = "";
port_cucp = 38462;
ipv4_cuup = "";
port_cuup = 38462;
type = "up";
ipv4_cucp = "";
ipv4_cuup = "";
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
......@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
// Sleep a while before checking all parameters have been used
// Some are used directly in external threads, asynchronously
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ typedef struct sctp_data_ind_s {
/* Buffer to send over SCTP */
uint32_t buffer_length;
uint8_t *buffer;
bool freeAfterSend;
/* Streams on which data will be sent/received */
uint16_t stream;
} sctp_data_ind_t;
......@@ -220,17 +220,15 @@ int e1ap_encode_send(E1_t type, e1ap_setup_req_t *setupReq, E1AP_E1AP_PDU_t *pdu
if (encoded < 0) {
LOG_E(E1AP, "%s: Failed to encode E1AP message\n", func);
return -1;
} else {
MessageDef *message = itti_alloc_new_message((type==CPtype)?TASK_CUCP_E1:TASK_CUUP_E1, 0, SCTP_DATA_REQ);
sctp_data_req_t *s = &message->ittiMsg.sctp_data_req;
s->assoc_id = setupReq->assoc_id;
s->buffer = buffer;
s->buffer_length = encoded;
s->stream = stream;
LOG_I(E1AP, "%s: Sending ITTI message to SCTP Task\n", func);
itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_SCTP, 0 /*unused by callee*/, message);
MessageDef *message = itti_alloc_new_message((type == CPtype) ? TASK_CUCP_E1 : TASK_CUUP_E1, 0, SCTP_DATA_REQ);
sctp_data_req_t *s = &message->ittiMsg.sctp_data_req;
s->assoc_id = setupReq->assoc_id;
s->buffer = buffer;
s->buffer_length = encoded;
s->stream = stream;
LOG_I(E1AP, "%s: Sending ITTI message to SCTP Task\n", func);
itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_SCTP, 0 /*unused by callee*/, message);
return encoded;
......@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ void f1ap_itti_send_sctp_data_req(bool isCu, instance_t instance, uint8_t *buffe
sctp_data_req->assoc_id = f1ap_assoc_id(isCu,instance);
sctp_data_req->buffer = buffer;
sctp_data_req->buffer_length = buffer_length;
sctp_data_req->stream = stream;
sctp_data_req->stream = stream;
LOG_D(F1AP, "Sending ITTI message to SCTP Task\n");
itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_SCTP, instance, message_p);
......@@ -2784,17 +2784,13 @@ void nr_mac_update_timers(module_id_t module_id,
NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = NULL;
&asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig, //might be added prefix later
&asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig, // might be added prefix later
(void **)&cg,
(uint8_t *)UE->cg_buf,
(UE->enc_rval.encoded+7)/8, 0, 0);
if (UE->CellGroup) {
NR_CellGroupConfig_t *tmp=UE->CellGroup;
UE->CellGroup = cg;
} else
UE->CellGroup = cg;
(UE->enc_rval.encoded + 7) / 8,
UE->CellGroup = cg;
xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig, (const void *) UE->CellGroup);
......@@ -1760,7 +1760,8 @@ do_NR_DLInformationTransfer(
asn1cCalloc(infoTransfer->criticalExtensions.choice.dlInformationTransfer, dlInfoTransfer);
// we will free the caller buffer
// we will free the caller buffer, that is ok in the present code logic (else it will leak memory) but not natural,
// comprehensive code design
msg->buf = pdu_buffer;
msg->size = pdu_length;
......@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ int rrc_gNB_process_NGAP_PDUSESSION_RELEASE_COMMAND(MessageDef *msg_p, instance_
PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_INSTANCE(&ctxt, instance, GNB_FLAG_YES, UE->rnti, 0, 0);
xid = rrc_gNB_get_next_transaction_identifier(ctxt.module_id);
NR_RRC, "PDU Session Release Command: AMF_UE_NGAP_ID %lu GNB_UE_NGAP_ID %u release_pdusessions %d \n", cmd->amf_ue_ngap_id & 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF, gNB_ue_ngap_id, cmd->nb_pdusessions_torelease);
NR_RRC, "PDU Session Release Command: AMF_UE_NGAP_ID %lu GNB_UE_NGAP_ID %u release_pdusessions %d \n", cmd->amf_ue_ngap_id, gNB_ue_ngap_id, cmd->nb_pdusessions_torelease);
for (int pdusession = 0; pdusession < cmd->nb_pdusessions_torelease; pdusession++) {
rrc_pdu_session_param_t *pduSession = find_pduSession(UE, cmd->pdusession_release_params[pdusession].pdusession_id, false);
......@@ -237,7 +237,10 @@ void rrc_add_nsa_user(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, rrc_gNB_ue_context_t *ue_context_p, x2a
NR_ServingCellConfig_t *scc = UE->spCellConfig ? UE->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated : NULL;
fill_default_reconfig(carrier->servingcellconfigcommon, scc, reconfig_ies, UE->secondaryCellGroup, UE->UE_Capability_nr, configuration, ue_context_p->ue_context.gNB_ue_ngap_id);
rrc_gNB_update_ue_context_rnti(UE->secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity, rrc, UE->gNB_ue_ngap_id);
// the UE context is not yet inserted in the RRC UE manager
// rrc_gNB_update_ue_context_rnti(UE->secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity, rrc,
// UE->gNB_ue_ngap_id);
UE->rnti = UE->secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity;
NR_CG_Config_t *CG_Config = calloc(1,sizeof(*CG_Config));
memset((void *)CG_Config,0,sizeof(*CG_Config));
// int CG_Config_size = generate_CG_Config(rrc,CG_Config,UE->reconfig,UE->rb_config);
......@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ void x2ap_eNB_itti_send_sctp_data_req(instance_t instance, int32_t assoc_id, uin
sctp_data_req->assoc_id = assoc_id;
sctp_data_req->buffer = buffer;
sctp_data_req->buffer_length = buffer_length;
sctp_data_req->stream = stream;
sctp_data_req->stream = stream;
itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_SCTP, instance, message_p);
......@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ void ngap_gNB_itti_send_sctp_data_req(instance_t instance, int32_t assoc_id, uin
sctp_data_req->assoc_id = assoc_id;
sctp_data_req->buffer = buffer;
sctp_data_req->buffer_length = buffer_length;
sctp_data_req->stream = stream;
sctp_data_req->stream = stream;
itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_SCTP, instance, message_p);
......@@ -1193,21 +1193,21 @@ int ngap_gNB_pdusession_release_resp(instance_t instance, ngap_pdusession_releas
ie->value.choice.RAN_UE_NGAP_ID = pdusession_release_resp_p->gNB_ue_ngap_id;
/* optional */
if (pdusession_release_resp_p->nb_of_pdusessions_released > 0) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(out->protocolIEs.list, NGAP_PDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseIEs_t, ie);
ie->id = NGAP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_PDUSessionResourceReleasedListRelRes;
ie->criticality = NGAP_Criticality_ignore;
ie->value.present = NGAP_PDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseIEs__value_PR_PDUSessionResourceReleasedListRelRes;
for (i = 0; i < pdusession_release_resp_p->nb_of_pdusessions_released; i++) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(ie->value.choice.PDUSessionResourceReleasedListRelRes.list, NGAP_PDUSessionResourceReleasedItemRelRes_t, item);
item->pDUSessionID = pdusession_release_resp_p->pdusession_release[i].pdusession_id;
allocCopy(&item->pDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseTransfer, pdusession_release_resp_p->pdusession_release[i].data);
NGAP_DEBUG("pdusession_release_resp: pdusession ID %ld\n", item->pDUSessionID);
/* optional */
if (pdusession_release_resp_p->nb_of_pdusessions_released > 0) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(out->protocolIEs.list, NGAP_PDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseIEs_t, ie);
ie->id = NGAP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_PDUSessionResourceReleasedListRelRes;
ie->criticality = NGAP_Criticality_ignore;
ie->value.present = NGAP_PDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseIEs__value_PR_PDUSessionResourceReleasedListRelRes;
for (i = 0; i < pdusession_release_resp_p->nb_of_pdusessions_released; i++) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(ie->value.choice.PDUSessionResourceReleasedListRelRes.list, NGAP_PDUSessionResourceReleasedItemRelRes_t, item);
item->pDUSessionID = pdusession_release_resp_p->pdusession_release[i].pdusession_id;
allocCopy(&item->pDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseTransfer, pdusession_release_resp_p->pdusession_release[i].data);
NGAP_DEBUG("pdusession_release_resp: pdusession ID %ld\n", item->pDUSessionID);
if (ngap_gNB_encode_pdu(&pdu, &buffer, &length) < 0) {
NGAP_ERROR("Failed to encode release response\n");
/* Encode procedure has failed... */
......@@ -650,8 +650,7 @@ static void sctp_send_data(sctp_data_req_t *sctp_data_req_p)
/* TODO: notify upper layer */
if ( sctp_data_req_p->freeAfterSend)
free(sctp_data_req_p->buffer); // assuming it has been malloced
SCTP_DEBUG("Successfully sent %u bytes on stream %d for assoc_id %u\n",
sctp_data_req_p->buffer_length, sctp_data_req_p->stream,
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