Commit 06236ff7 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Consider fixed MAC overhead while no RLC PDU number

parent 79591741
......@@ -859,7 +859,12 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
sched_pdsch->pucch_allocation = alloc;
uint32_t TBS = 0;
uint16_t rbSize;
const int oh = 3*sched_ctrl->dl_pdus_total + 2 * (frame == (sched_ctrl->ta_frame + 10) % 1024);
// Fix me: currently, the RLC does not give us the total number of PDUs
// awaiting. Therefore, for the time being, we put a fixed overhead of 12
// (for 4 PDUs) and optionally + 2 for TA. Once RLC gives the number of
// PDUs, we replace with 3 * numPDUs
const int oh = 3 * 4 + 2 * (frame == (sched_ctrl->ta_frame + 10) % 1024);
//const int oh = 3 * sched_ctrl->dl_pdus_total + 2 * (frame == (sched_ctrl->ta_frame + 10) % 1024);
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