Commit 508d7d28 authored by Roberto Louro Magueta's avatar Roberto Louro Magueta

Fix magnitude computation for 2-layers UL in nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers()

parent b2e1631f
......@@ -1471,16 +1471,17 @@ void nr_ulsch_construct_HhH_elements(int *conjch00_ch00,
* */
uint8_t nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
int **ul_ch_mag,
int **ul_ch_magb,
int **ul_ch_estimates_ext,
unsigned short nb_rb,
unsigned char n_rx,
unsigned char mod_order,
int shift,
unsigned char symbol,
int length)
uint8_t nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
int **rxdataF_comp,
int **ul_ch_mag,
int **ul_ch_magb,
int **ul_ch_estimates_ext,
unsigned short nb_rb,
unsigned char n_rx,
unsigned char mod_order,
int shift,
unsigned char symbol,
int length)
int *ch00, *ch01, *ch10, *ch11;
int *ch20, *ch30, *ch21, *ch31;
......@@ -1722,10 +1723,10 @@ uint8_t nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
__m128i *rxdataF_comp128_0,*rxdataF_comp128_1,*ul_ch_mag128_0=NULL,*ul_ch_mag128b_0=NULL,*determ_fin_128;//*dl_ch_mag128_1,*dl_ch_mag128b_1,*dl_ch_mag128r_1
__m128i mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1,mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3;
__m128i *after_mf_a_128,*after_mf_b_128, *after_mf_c_128, *after_mf_d_128;
__m128i QAM_amp128={0},QAM_amp128b={0};
__m128i *rxdataF_comp128_0, *rxdataF_comp128_1, *ul_ch_mag128_0 = NULL, *ul_ch_mag128b_0 = NULL, *ul_ch_mag128_1 = NULL, *ul_ch_mag128b_1 = NULL, *determ_fin_128;
__m128i mmtmpD0, mmtmpD1, mmtmpD2, mmtmpD3;
__m128i *after_mf_a_128, *after_mf_b_128, *after_mf_c_128, *after_mf_d_128;
__m128i QAM_amp128 = {0}, QAM_amp128b = {0};
determ_fin_128 = (__m128i *)&determ_fin[0];
......@@ -1744,45 +1745,47 @@ uint8_t nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
} else if (mod_order == 6) {
QAM_amp128 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n1); //4/sqrt{42}
QAM_amp128b = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n2); //2/sqrt{42}
ul_ch_mag128_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag[0][symbol*(off+nb_rb*12)];
ul_ch_mag128b_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb[0][symbol*(off+nb_rb*12)];
ul_ch_mag128_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag[0][symbol * (off + nb_rb * 12)];
ul_ch_mag128b_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb[0][symbol * (off + nb_rb * 12)];
ul_ch_mag128_1 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][symbol * (off + nb_rb * 12)];
ul_ch_mag128b_1 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][symbol * (off + nb_rb * 12)];
for (int rb=0; rb<3*nb_rb_0; rb++) {
if (mod_order>2) {
int sum_det =0;
for (int k=0; k<4;k++) {
sum_det += ((((int *)&determ_fin_128[0])[k])>>2);
//printf("det_%d = %d\n",k,sum_det);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_slli_epi32(determ_fin_128[0],5);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD2,log2_approx(sum_det));
mmtmpD2 = _mm_slli_epi32(mmtmpD2,5);
for (int rb = 0; rb < 3 * nb_rb_0; rb++) {
mmtmpD3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD2);
// Magnitude computation
if (mod_order > 2) {
mmtmpD2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD2);
int sum_det = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
sum_det += ((((int *)&determ_fin_128[0])[k]) >> 2);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpD3,mmtmpD2);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_slli_epi32(determ_fin_128[0], 5);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD2, log2_approx(sum_det));
mmtmpD2 = _mm_slli_epi32(mmtmpD2, 5);
mmtmpD3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpD2, mmtmpD2);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpD2, mmtmpD2);
mmtmpD2 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpD3, mmtmpD2);
// Layer 0
ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[0],QAM_amp128);
ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[0],1);
ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[0],QAM_amp128b);
ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[0],1);
//print_shorts("mag layer 1:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128_0[0]);
//print_shorts("mag layer 2:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128_1[0]);
//print_shorts("magb layer 1:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128b_0[0]);
//print_shorts("magb layer 2:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128b_1[0]);
//print_shorts("magr layer 1:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128r_0[0]);
//print_shorts("magr layer 2:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128r_1[0]);
ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[0], QAM_amp128);
ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[0], 1);
ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[0], QAM_amp128b);
ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[0], 1);
// Layer 1
ul_ch_mag128_1[0] = mmtmpD2;
ul_ch_mag128b_1[0] = mmtmpD2;
ul_ch_mag128_1[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[0], QAM_amp128);
ul_ch_mag128_1[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[0], 1);
ul_ch_mag128b_1[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[0], QAM_amp128b);
ul_ch_mag128b_1[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[0], 1);
// multiply by channel Inv
//rxdataF_zf128_0 = rxdataF_comp128_0*d - b*rxdataF_comp128_1
//rxdataF_zf128_1 = rxdataF_comp128_1*a - c*rxdataF_comp128_0
......@@ -1801,12 +1804,7 @@ uint8_t nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
rxdataF_comp128_0[0] = mmtmpD0;
if (mod_order > 2) {
// We need to check why it is a shift of 3
rxdataF_comp128_1[0] = simde_mm_srai_epi16(mmtmpD1, 3);
} else {
rxdataF_comp128_1[0] = mmtmpD1;
rxdataF_comp128_1[0] = mmtmpD1;
printf("\n Rx signal after ZF l%d rb%d\n",symbol,rb);
......@@ -1815,7 +1813,9 @@ uint8_t nr_ulsch_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
determ_fin_128 += 1;
ul_ch_mag128_0 += 1;
ul_ch_mag128b_0 += 1;
ul_ch_mag128_1 += 1;
ul_ch_mag128b_0 += 1;
ul_ch_mag128b_1 += 1;
rxdataF_comp128_0 += 1;
rxdataF_comp128_1 += 1;
after_mf_a_128 += 1;
......@@ -2028,7 +2028,8 @@ void nr_rx_pusch(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
//Apply zero forcing for 2 Tx layers
if (rel15_ul->nrOfLayers == 2) {
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