Commit 65ff4b78 authored by Raymond Knopp's avatar Raymond Knopp

removal of some warnings and slight change to PRACH in

parent 7a7b5fb4
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ int read_prach_data(ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot)
for (int aa=0;aa<ru->nb_rx;aa++) {
int16_t *dst, *src;
int idx = 0;
dst = (int16_t *)((uint8_t *)ru->prach_buf[aa]);// + (sym_idx*576));
dst = ru->prach_buf[aa];// + (sym_idx*576));
src = (int16_t *)((uint8_t *) xran_ctx->sFHPrachRxBbuIoBufCtrlDecomp[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][0][aa].sBufferList.pBuffers[sym_idx].pData);
/* convert Network order to host order */
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(ru_info_t *ru, int *frame, int *slot){
// This loop would better be more inner to avoid confusion and maybe also errors.
for(int32_t sym_idx = 0; sym_idx < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_idx++) {
LOG_D(PHY,"ORAN RX %d.%d: CC %d, ant %d, sym %d, tti %d (mod %d)\n",*frame,*slot,cc_id,ant_id,sym_idx,tti,tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN);
if (sym_idx ==0) LOG_D(PHY,"ORAN RX %d.%d: CC %d, ant %d, sym %d, tti %d (mod %d) rxF %p\n",*frame,*slot,cc_id,ant_id,sym_idx,tti,tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN,rx_data);
uint8_t *pData = xran_ctx->sFrontHaulRxBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers[sym_idx%XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT].pData;
uint8_t *pPrbMapData = xran_ctx->sFrontHaulRxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
struct xran_prb_map *pPrbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)pPrbMapData;
......@@ -216,15 +216,16 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_in(RU_t *ru,
ru_info_t ru_info;
ru_info.nb_rx = ru->nb_rx;
ru_info.rxdataF = ru->common.rxdataF;
ru_info.prach_buf = (int *)ru->prach_rxsigF[0];//index: [prach_oca][ant_id]
ru_info.prach_buf = ru->prach_rxsigF[0];//index: [prach_oca][ant_id]
RU_proc_t *proc = &ru->proc;
extern uint16_t sl_ahead;
int f, sl;
LOG_D(PHY,"Read rxdataF %p,%p\n",ru_info.rxdataF[0],ru_info.rxdataF[1]);
int ret = xran_fh_rx_read_slot(&ru_info, &f, &sl);
LOG_D(PHY,"Read %d.%d\n",f,sl);
LOG_D(PHY,"Read %d.%d rxdataF %p,%p\n",f,sl,ru_info.rxdataF[0],ru_info.rxdataF[1]);
if (ret != 0){
printf("ORAN: %d.%d ORAN_fh_if4p5_south_in ERROR in RX function \n",f,sl);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ typedef struct ru_info_s{
int32_t **txdataF_BF;
// Needed for Prach
int **prach_buf;
int16_t **prach_buf;
} ru_info_t;
int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(ru_info_t *ru, int *frame, int *slot);
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