Commit a03d2746 authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

chore(ci): after upgrade of CN5G version on porcepix

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent 43a2ae00
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, SimpleQueue
# OAI Testing modules
import sshconnection as SSH
import sshconnection as SSH
import helpreadme as HELP
import constants as CONST
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class EPCManagement():
self.mmeConfFile = 'mme.conf'
self.yamlPath = ''
self.isMagmaUsed = False
self.cfgDeploy = '--type start-mini --fqdn yes --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.3.pcap' #from xml, 'mini' is default normal for
self.cfgUnDeploy = '--type stop-mini --fqdn yes --scenario 1' #from xml, 'mini' is default normal for
self.cfgDeploy = '--type start-mini --fqdn yes --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.5.pcap' #from xml, 'mini' is default normal for
self.cfgUnDeploy = '--type stop-mini --fqdn yes --scenario 1' #from xml, 'mini' is default normal for
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class EPCManagement():
logging.debug('Starting OAI CN5G')
mySSH.command('if [ -d ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts ]; then echo ' + self.Password + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts ; fi', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('mkdir -p ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed-v1.4/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed-v1.5/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('python3 ./ '+self.cfgDeploy, '\$', 60)
if'start-mini-as-ue', self.cfgDeploy):
dFile = 'docker-compose-mini-nrf-asue.yaml'
......@@ -537,11 +537,11 @@ class EPCManagement():
mySSH.command('docker logs ' + c + ' > ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/logs/' + c + '.log', '\$', 5)
logging.debug('Terminating OAI CN5G')
mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed-v1.4/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed-v1.5/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('python3 ./ '+self.cfgUnDeploy, '\$', 60)
mySSH.command('docker volume prune --force || true', '\$', 60)
mySSH.command('tshark -r /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.3.pcap | egrep --colour=never "Tracking area update" ','\$', 30)
mySSH.command('tshark -r /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.5.pcap | egrep --colour=never "Tracking area update" ','\$', 30)
result ='Tracking area update request', mySSH.getBefore())
if result is not None:
message = 'UE requested ' + str(mySSH.getBefore().count('Tracking area update request')) + 'Tracking area update request(s)'
......@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ class EPCManagement():
mySSH.command('zip mme_check_run.*', '\$', 60)
elif re.match('OAICN5G', self.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
mySSH.command('cd ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/logs','\$', 5)
mySSH.command('cp -f /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.3.pcap .','\$', 30)
mySSH.command('cp -f /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.5.pcap .','\$', 30)
mySSH.command('zip oai-amf.log oai-nrf.log oai-cn5g*.pcap','\$', 30)
mySSH.command('mv ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts','\$', 30)
elif re.match('OAI', self.Type, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<testCase id="000100">
<desc>Initialize 5G Core</desc>
<args>--type start-mini-as-ue --fqdn yes --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.3.pcap</args>
<args>--type start-mini-as-ue --fqdn yes --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.5.pcap</args>
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