With [PuTTY](https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/putty.exe), send the following AT commands to the module using a serial interface (ex: COM2) at 115200 bps:
With [PuTTY](https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/putty.exe), send the following AT commands to the module using a serial interface (ex: COM2) at 115200 bps:
# MUST be sent at least once everytime there is a firmware upgrade!
# MUST be sent at least once everytime there is a firmware upgrade!
Please also refer to the official [USRP Host Performance Tuning Tips and Tricks](https://kb.ettus.com/USRP_Host_Performance_Tuning_Tips_and_Tricks) tuning guide.
Please also refer to the official [USRP Host Performance Tuning Tips and Tricks](https://kb.ettus.com/USRP_Host_Performance_Tuning_Tips_and_Tricks) tuning guide.