Commit 0518ab22 authored by cremno's avatar cremno

unify error handling

Convert mrb_read_irep_file() to use goto like read_section_lv() and
read_section_debug() already do.
parent 41e69319
......@@ -670,23 +670,21 @@ mrb_read_irep_file(mrb_state *mrb, FILE* fp)
/* You don't need use SIZE_ERROR as buf_size is enough small. */
buf = (uint8_t*)mrb_malloc(mrb, header_size);
if (fread(buf, header_size, 1, fp) == 0) {
mrb_free(mrb, buf);
return NULL;
goto irep_exit;
result = read_binary_header(buf, &buf_size, NULL, &flags);
if (result != MRB_DUMP_OK) {
mrb_free(mrb, buf);
return NULL;
goto irep_exit;
buf = (uint8_t*)mrb_realloc(mrb, buf, buf_size);
if (fread(buf+header_size, buf_size-header_size, 1, fp) == 0) {
mrb_free(mrb, buf);
return NULL;
goto irep_exit;
irep = read_irep(mrb, buf, FLAG_SRC_MALLOC);
mrb_free(mrb, buf);
mrb_free(mrb, buf);
return irep;
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