Commit 70e70f6f authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fhi72-f-release-fix-distributed-arr' into...

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fhi72-f-release-fix-distributed-arr' into integration_2025_w05 (!3230)

FHI72: fix for a distributed antenna array for xran F release

in the Rx callback I reset the number of section descriptions/number of
fragments to 0, but for each antenna up to max number of antennas per
RU, instead of up to max number of distributed antenna array
parents 85edbc8e 04bfabcb
......@@ -78,12 +78,15 @@ void oai_xran_fh_rx_callback(void *pCallbackTag, xran_status_t status)
static int32_t last_slot = -1;
static int32_t last_frame = -1;
/* xran context contains the same xran_fh_init struct info,
but xran_fh_config struct info is RU specific only */
struct xran_device_ctx *xran_ctx = xran_dev_get_ctx();
const struct xran_fh_init *fh_init = &xran_ctx->fh_init;
int num_ports = fh_init->xran_ports;
const struct xran_fh_config *fh_config = &xran_ctx->fh_cfg;
const int slots_per_subframe = 1 << fh_config->frame_conf.nNumerology;
/* assuming all RUs have the same numerology */
const int slots_per_subframe = 1 << xran_ctx->fh_cfg.frame_conf.nNumerology;
static int rx_RU[XRAN_PORTS_NUM][160] = {0};
uint32_t rx_tti = callback_tag->slotiId;
......@@ -103,17 +106,20 @@ void oai_xran_fh_rx_callback(void *pCallbackTag, xran_status_t status)
if (rx_sym == 7) { // in F release this value is defined as XRAN_FULL_CB_SYM (full slot (offset + 7))
#ifdef F_RELEASE
int32_t nCellIdx = callback_tag->cellId;
int32_t ntti = (rx_tti + XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN - 1) % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN;
for(uint32_t ant_id = 0; ant_id < fh_config->neAxc; ant_id++) {
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)xran_ctx->sFrontHaulRxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[ntti][nCellIdx][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
AssertFatal(pRbMap != NULL, "(%d:%d:%d)pRbMap == NULL. Aborting.\n", nCellIdx, ntti, ant_id);
for (uint32_t sym_id = 0; sym_id < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_id++) {
for (uint32_t idxElm = 0; idxElm < pRbMap->nPrbElm; idxElm++ ) {
struct xran_prb_elm *pRbElm = &pRbMap->prbMap[idxElm];
pRbElm->nSecDesc[sym_id] = 0; // number of section descriptors per symbol; M-plane info <supported-section-types>
for (int ru_idx = 0; ru_idx < num_ports; ru_idx++) {
struct xran_device_ctx *xran_ctx_per_ru = xran_dev_get_ctx_by_id(ru_idx);
struct xran_fh_config *fh_config = &xran_ctx_per_ru->fh_cfg;
for (uint16_t cc_id = 0; cc_id < 1 /* fh_config->nCC */; cc_id++) { // OAI does not support multiple CC yet.
for(uint32_t ant_id = 0; ant_id < fh_config->neAxc; ant_id++) {
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)xran_ctx_per_ru->sFrontHaulRxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
AssertFatal(pRbMap != NULL, "(%d:%d:%d)pRbMap == NULL. Aborting.\n", cc_id, tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN, ant_id);
for (uint32_t sym_id = 0; sym_id < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_id++) {
for (uint32_t idxElm = 0; idxElm < pRbMap->nPrbElm; idxElm++ ) {
struct xran_prb_elm *pRbElm = &pRbMap->prbMap[idxElm];
pRbElm->nSecDesc[sym_id] = 0; // number of section descriptors per symbol; M-plane info <supported-section-types>
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