Commit 8b118fd8 authored by Sakthivel Velumani's avatar Sakthivel Velumani

Remove hardcoding of default NSSAI selection

Check if NSSAI from config exists in allowed NSSAI list. Don't request
PDU session if not present in the list.
parent 3ae66538
......@@ -977,11 +977,11 @@ static void get_allowed_nssai(nr_nas_msg_snssai_t nssai[8], const uint8_t *pdu_b
const uint8_t *end = pdu_buffer + pdu_length;
pdu_buffer += 1 + 1 + 1 + 2; // Mandatory fields offset
if (((nas_msg_header_t *)(pdu_buffer))->choice.security_protected_nas_msg_header_t.security_header_type > 0) {
pdu_buffer += 1 + 1 + 1 + 2; // Mandatory fields offset
/* optional fields */
while (pdu_buffer < end) {
const int type = *pdu_buffer++;
......@@ -1009,17 +1009,26 @@ static void get_allowed_nssai(nr_nas_msg_snssai_t nssai[8], const uint8_t *pdu_b
static void request_default_pdusession(int instance)
static void request_default_pdusession(int instance, int nssai_idx)
MessageDef *message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_NAS_NRUE, 0, NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ);
NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ(message_p).pdusession_id = 10; /* first or default pdu session */
NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ(message_p).pdusession_type = 0x91;
/* take the first allowed S-NSSAI for default PDU session */
NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ(message_p).sst = nas_allowed_nssai[0].sst;
NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ(message_p).sd = nas_allowed_nssai[0].sd;
NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ(message_p).sst = nas_allowed_nssai[nssai_idx].sst;
NAS_PDU_SESSION_REQ(message_p).sd = nas_allowed_nssai[nssai_idx].sd;
itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_NAS_NRUE, instance, message_p);
static int get_user_nssai_idx(const nr_nas_msg_snssai_t allowed_nssai[8], const nr_ue_nas_t *nas)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
const nr_nas_msg_snssai_t *nssai = allowed_nssai + i;
if ((nas->uicc->nssai_sst == nssai->sst) && (nas->uicc->nssai_sd == nssai->sd))
return i;
return -1;
void *nas_nrue_task(void *args_p)
nr_ue_nas.uicc = checkUicc(0);
......@@ -1119,7 +1128,12 @@ void *nas_nrue(void *args_p)
LOG_I(NAS, "Send NAS_UPLINK_DATA_REQ message(RegistrationComplete)\n");
const int nssai_idx = get_user_nssai_idx(nas_allowed_nssai, nas);
if (nssai_idx < 0) {
LOG_E(NAS, "NSSAI parameters not match with allowed NSSAI. Couldn't request PDU session.\n");
} else {
request_default_pdusession(instance, nssai_idx);
} else if (msg_type == FGS_PDU_SESSION_ESTABLISHMENT_ACC) {
capture_pdu_session_establishment_accept_msg(pdu_buffer, NAS_CONN_ESTABLI_CNF(msg_p).nasMsg.length);
......@@ -1197,7 +1211,12 @@ void *nas_nrue(void *args_p)
send_nas_uplink_data_req(instance, &initialNasMsg);
LOG_I(NAS, "Send NAS_UPLINK_DATA_REQ message(RegistrationComplete)\n");
const int nssai_idx = get_user_nssai_idx(nas_allowed_nssai, nas);
if (nssai_idx < 0) {
LOG_E(NAS, "NSSAI parameters not match with allowed NSSAI. Couldn't request PDU session.\n");
} else {
request_default_pdusession(instance, nssai_idx);
LOG_I(NAS, "received deregistration accept\n");
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